Tuesday 25 January 2011

Student Film Opening Analysis

This Train Terminates
The thriller film opening of This Train Terminates was very good. The action centers around this crime that is building up in the train station. This follows the conventions of extraordinary things happening in ordinary situations.

There is good use of parallel editing when google it cuts between the station and the people behind the crime. This helps to build the suspense as the viewer feels that the crime is about to happen. They also use lots close ups and medium shots in the station which gives us this sense of not knowing what is going on or who's behind it.

The opening titles to Fenland work well to introduce the thriller. The antagonist is immediately viewed in the scene however nothing of his identity is shown. The viewer is given constant hints throughout about what this person has done by using close ups of newspaper articles. This adds a mysterious feel to the scene and makes the watcher want to carry on. Also the soundtrack fits well with the action on screen.

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